Money Laundering in The Securities Sector and Means of Combating It

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Mr. Shady Ahmed Abbas


Some crimes, such as fraud, cybercrime and corruption related to international financial assistance, have recently increased as a negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic, generating additional sources of illicit funds that have led to a rise in money-laundering.

Money laundering in the securities sector is historically due to the sheer volume of securities exchanges' trading operations and the ease and speed of trading, and the spread of money-laundering in this sector has increased the emergence of new and complex financial instruments and financial and technological development in the functioning of banks and financial markets, enabling criminal clients to engage with financial institutions operating in financial markets remotely and without having to deal with them face to face and the transfer of funds between financial institutions is taking place with light constraints and low costs, both within one State and between several States.

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How to Cite
Ahmed Abbas, S. (2023). Money Laundering in The Securities Sector and Means of Combating It. Arab Researcher, 2(1), 52–71.