Arbitration of disputes arising from administrative contracts in the GCC

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Dr. Haitham Alsayed Abdul Wahed Ibrahim


Recourse to justice is the natural way of resolving disputes between individuals, establishing justice in society, but as economic life evolves, and changing patterns of business relations emerge, there are other voluntary means for the parties to resolve disputes that arise between themselves rather than by resorting to the system of litigation before State-regulated courts.

One of the most important of these optional means is the arbitration system. Arbitration has recently been linked to the idea of economic development and attracting foreign investment as the best means of resolving disputes at the international level, because of its advantages that do not exist in the State's judiciary. The main features are the simplicity, confidentiality and speed of proceedings, the freedom to choose arbitrators with experience in the area of activity to which the dispute relates, and the provision of confidence and reassurance to foreign investors.

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How to Cite
Ibrahim, H. (2021). Arbitration of disputes arising from administrative contracts in the GCC. Arab Researcher, 2(2), 128–147.