Legal security through Quality and improvement of the law

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Prof. Mazin Lilo Radhy


The sources of legal security are many, and their most important manifestations can be traced back to: Achieving the elements of quality and improvement of the law. It is important for legislation to have a high degree of quality and mastery to ensure that the objectives of the legislation are achieved in an effective manner and are acceptable to those addressing them. Legislative reform is also of great importance to eliminate the manifestations of omission. Legislative deviation، making legislation realistic and effective, in addition to being easily accessible and easy to apply by the judiciary, and this would promote security and legal stability.

The legislative process must be subject to clear, precise and transparent rules, standards and mechanisms to control it at the substantive level and at the technical level, as it is known that the legislative process is a complex process and involves many parties besides the legislative institution. To discuss the issue of legal security through the quality and improvement of the law، we decided to divide it into two topics. We devote the first to discussing the proper formulation of the legislative base, while the second topic is to discuss the achievement of legislative reform.

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How to Cite
Rady, M. (2021). Legal security through Quality and improvement of the law. Arab Researcher, 2(2), 35–55.