A forward-looking vision to enhance cooperation, coordination and exchange of knowledge partnerships between judicial, security and legal scientific entities in the Arab world in light of smart transformations in the work data "analytical study"

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Prof. Jassim Mohammed Rashid Khamis Al-Khadim Al-Antali


The objective of the study is to find frameworks for integration between legal, police and security institutes and police, legal and judicial colleges in the Arab world to enable them to address the challenges of the knowledge and technological revolution that the world has been witnessing, which has produced societies that adopt new concepts that require colleges and institutes to adapt to them with new policies, programs and joint projects.

The real issue is embodied in the (lack of integration) with which these scientific entities work, judicial institutes play an important role in raising the knowledge and skills of their employees similar to the role played by security institutes, police academies and colleges, but both of them act as isolated islands, which is clearly reflected in the inability of any of these entities – individually - to tackle all contemporary challenges such as the technological gap, poor funding , different educational systems and curricula.

The study also endeavors to utilize smart transformations at work environments to create a virtual digital mechanism that integrates judicial and security entities across the Arab world through the use of predictions and strategies to identify future trends, in order to develop the best ways and methods for Knowledge Integration and put an end to challenges in the Arab world by focusing on innovation and modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, robots and CHATGPT in learning, professional training, communication between colleges and legal and police institutes, and the establishment of platforms for communication, interaction, cooperation and  continuous professional development in addition to joint work on joint projects and research, making the best use of databases and digital libraries, and developing joint vocational educational and training programs.

In the study, the researcher has focused on two main researches, the first is to study the nature of knowledge integration between Arab Scientific entities and the second is to study the frameworks of future integration among Arab Scientific entities.

To answer the problem of the study and its questions, the researcher has used the inductive method for its suitability for such kind of studies, which calls for analyzing the significance of integration and cooperation between Arab Scientific entities and highlighting the international smart transformations faced by this integration.

The results of the study and its recommendations will contribute to suggesting solutions and actions to enhance Arab scientific cooperation, including identifying common priorities and goals, developing a joint working group to function on the implementation of cooperative projects and programs, exchanging experiences, establishing joint training programs between colleges and legal and security institutes in the Arab world and thus will positively have an impact on the upgrading of scientific journals issued by those entities and upgrading them with the Q1 global classification, increasing citations to professors and experts, in addition to providing the necessary funding to support joint projects, programs and events to ensure their success using technologies by creating a virtual digital mechanism, artificial intelligence such as machine learning and deep learning for coordination, cooperation and integration that is based on artificial intelligence, robots and big data analysis, using innovative methods that enhance the prestige of these entities at the global and regional levels.

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How to Cite
Al-Antali, J. (2023). A forward-looking vision to enhance cooperation, coordination and exchange of knowledge partnerships between judicial, security and legal scientific entities in the Arab world in light of smart transformations in the work data "analytical study". Arab Researcher, 4(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.57072/ar.v4i1.91