International legal protection for refugees during the Corona pandemic as a model

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Dr. Omar Abdel Hafeez Ahmed Omar


دورا هاماً في حماية هذه الفئة. وقد قدمت المفوضية العديد من المساعدات للاجئين من أجل حمايتهم من فيروس كورونا Covid-19 غير أن هذه الفئة في حاجة لمزيد من المساعدات في مواجهة هذا الوباء من المجتمع الدولي وخاصة الدول الكبرى.

الكلمات المفتاحية: اللاجئين، مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشئون اللاجئين، آليات الحماية، فيروس كورونا.


 The Corona pandemic has affected the international community in various fields, and in light of this pandemic there is a vulnerable group that is most vulnerable to infection with the virus due to its circumstances. It is the refugee category. This category has been stipulated in global and regional conventions to give protection to it. There are also several mechanisms for the legal protection of refugees, but there are some obstacles to the legal protection process for refugees, and there are several factors that make refugees more vulnerable to infection with the virus, such as their presence in overcrowded places, which makes it difficult to apply social distancing measures. The UNHCR has an important role to play in protecting this group. The UNHCR has provided many assistances to the refugees in order to protect them from the Covid-19 Coronavirus, but this group is in need of more assistance in the face of this epidemic from the international community, especially the major countries.

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How to Cite
Omar , O. (2021). International legal protection for refugees during the Corona pandemic as a model. Arab Researcher, 2(2), 101–127.