The regulatory framework for the acquisition of Iraqi nationality through mixed marriage according to Iraqi nationality law no.26 of 2006 and its modifications

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Dr. Ayat Mohammad Saoud


There is no doubt that the marriage in which the nationality of the parties to the relationship unites does not raise a legal problem, as it is governed by the internal legal framework, but the matter is different in relation to the legal relationship tainted with a foreign element such as marriage and attachment to a foreigner, which is known as mixed marriage, that marriage in which civilizations converge and clash with each other as the fertile field of conflict Among legal systems, it is therefore an important issue in private international law. It is unfair that legal relations tainted with a foreign element remain subject to the provisions of domestic law, because that would lead to the waste and loss of individual and private rights In matters of personal status, if we subject, for example, an Iraqi Muslim couple residing abroad to a foreign law that does not permit divorce or settle the inheritance between males and females, we would have realized the seriousness of the consequences that might result from that.

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How to Cite
Mohammad Saoud, A. (2023). The regulatory framework for the acquisition of Iraqi nationality through mixed marriage according to Iraqi nationality law no.26 of 2006 and its modifications. Arab Researcher, 2(1), 113–124.